Semen Analysis in Tysons Corner

Semen Analysis in Tysons Corner

A semen analysis in Tysons Corner is a critical tool for analyzing male fertility before starting any treatment. Keep reading to learn more!

Fortunately, understanding the process of a semen analysis will help you to make educated choices about your reproductive health.

What Is a Semen Analysis?

A semen analysis is a laboratory test that examines a semen sample under a microscope to evaluate sperm count, sperm motility (activity), and sperm morphology (size and shape).

Semen analysis is usually recommended for infertility concerns when you and your partner have been unsuccessful in conceiving after one year of regular unprotected sex. This test can give a picture of the overall health of the sperm.

How Does the Procedure Work?

You can gather semen for a test at home or in a private hospital room. Additionally, you can collect the sample in a couple of different ways.

Your fertility specialist will give you detailed instructions on the collection, which will include steps such as the following: 

  • Use a sterile jar offered through the healthcare provider.
  • Make sure your hands and penis are clean beforehand.
  • Prevent contamination of the test by not touching the interior of the container.
  • If performed at home, bring the sample to the clinic or laboratory within one hour, maintaining it at room temperature.

So, What Does the Semen Analysis in Tysons Corner Involve?

Using a comprehensive approach, a semen test for fertility is done to diagnose:

  • Semen volume: Amount of semen
  • Sperm concentration: Number of sperm per milliliter
  • Sperm morphology: Size and shape of sperm
  • Sperm motility: Movement of semen
  • Vitality: Percentage of living sperm
  • White blood cells: In order to detect inflammation or infections

Eliminate the Frustrations of Infertility With Diagnostics and Treatment From Annandale Ob-Gyn

Our expert staff offers comprehensive care for fertility issues, including semen analysis in Tysons Corner. Contact us today at 703-642-7522 to make an appointment and get started on your journey to becoming a parent!