Midwife Care

Midwife Care in Annandale / Northern Virginia

Midwifery in the United States dates back hundreds of years, and for a time it was the most common
childbirth delivery practice. Recently, women are once again choosing midwives for pregnancy / prenatal
The decision to have a midwife versus an obstetrician is a personal decision, but many women find it
empowering to make this choice based on their own lifestyle preferences.

What Exactly Is a Midwife?

This is a trained healthcare professional who specializes in assisting women during pregnancy, childbirth,
and the postpartum period. They provide care that includes prenatal check-ups, labor support, delivery
assistance, and post-birth care for both mother and baby.
Midwives focus on natural, holistic approaches to childbirth and are also trained to recognize
complications and provide necessary medical interventions. Their role emphasizes personalized,
continuous care, often promoting a more intimate, supportive birthing experience.

Are There Different Types?

Yes, there are two main types: certified nurse-midwives and direct-entry mid wives.

1. A certified nurse-midwife (CNM) is a professional who is trained in both nursing and midwifery.
To become a CNM, an individual must first obtain a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) from an
accredited institution, then earn a master’s degree in midwifery. CNMs are certified by the
American College of Nurse-Midwives.

2. Direct-entry midwives (DEMs) are individuals who enter the field of midwifery without a nursing
degree. They receive training through apprenticeships, self-study, midwifery schools, or
university programs. This includes certified midwives (CMs) and certified professional midwives

Certified midwives, also certified by the American College of Nurse-Midwives, are trained and
certified specifically in midwifery. Unlike CNMs, CMs do not require a nursing degree but must
hold at least a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution.
A certified professional midwife is trained in midwifery and meets the standards set by the North
American Registry of Midwives. This certification recognizes various educational pathways, so
CPMs can come from diverse backgrounds.

Why Choose Midwife Care?

Many women prefer a midwife for the benefits:

  • Reduced likelihood of a cesarean section.
  • Reduced need for labor induction.
  • Decreased use of regional anesthesia.
  • Lower infant mortality rates.
  • Reduced risk of preterm birth.
  • Fewer third- and fourth-degree perineal tears.
  • Lower healthcare costs for both clients and insurers.
  • Increased satisfaction with overall quality of care.

How Do I Choose My Provider?

Weigh the pros and cons carefully. Conduct careful research. Always verify credentials, and look into
their experience. Ask about hospital affiliations and how closely they work with other specialists.

Learn about their philosophy regarding childbirth and ensure it aligns with your own.
Consider practical matters such as insurance coverage, their availability, and continued support after

You may want to reach out to people you trust who have chosen midwives to ask about their experience
and who they recommend.

Listen to your instincts. Choose the one with whom you feel most at ease and instills confidence in their
ability to safely and effectively deliver your child.

Should I Choose a Midwife?

Is it the right option for you? As mentioned previously, this is a personal decision, but most women are
able to receive the proper prenatal care from a midwife.

Midwives are not generally recommended for women with high-risks pregnancies. Board-certified
obstetricians may be better able to handle multiple births (twins, triplets), breech babies, patients who
have had previous cesarean sections or pregnancy complications.

Where Is the Best Place to Go for a Midwife in Northern Virginia?

Annandale Ob-Gyn is where you’ll find the most qualified midwives. Our team is committed to your care
and partnering with you on your journey to parenthood.

Contact us at 703-642-7522 to book your appointment!